Thursday, February 19, 2009

Krista's Room 2009

When Krista was smaller I painted her whole room and Eric built her a bed that had storage underneath and he built her a desk that I mod podged with maps from the Tomas Bros. guide. It was super cute! It was a lot of work but we love her so much it was worth it. Well the other day she mentioned that she would like to take the bed out and have a regular bed and we agreed that it is time for a change since she is getting older so and I understand that she wants to change it around.

It just so happened that Colleen (from work) had some furniture to get rid of so we jumped at the chance to use it for Krista's room. We took out the bed and the desk and we put the new furniture in. Here are some pictures of our progress. 

Eric is patching the walls from where the furniture came out. I think that picture of Eric is really cute.

I am putting up this picture of her door because she wants to paint over it and put a star on it with her name under it. Because she wants to be a star someday so that door has to go. I painted that door for her but I can paint a new door too. Somewhere we must have pictures of the room before we took the old stuff out and when I find them I will post them.

I love the picture with the blue wall because the little clay cup on the shelves (which I made by mod podging them with flowered napkins) is a cup that Maxwell made for her. On the bottom it says 'get well soon, love Max'. It was for one of her surgeries. The painting next to it is an original painting that I bought at one of our shows in San Francisco. I love that painting. Then next to that are two softball trophies.

The next picture has a mirror in it that I mosaiced. It use to have a little mosaiced desk under it with a little hand painted pink stool so she could look at herself in the mirror (which she loves to do!!). 

The next picture is her name painted from Sea World that her Nana got her. Nana also got one for Max that hangs in his room and Chloe has one too.

In the next picture if you look closely you can see that the wall is checked. I used the same color of pink but one group of checkers is pink glossy and the other group is pink flat. I love it. Plus you see that striped wall? It took me forever! but I love it. (see top picture too) We have to fix where Eric patched it.

So what do you think of Krista's room? (Besides that fact that it's still (will always be)messy................)??

Tonsils likes Krista's room. Doesn't he look good in purple?


Joakasfabio said...

like your family!

Anonymous said...

amore your familia

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