Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Garden

I am really super in love with my new garden. We put in two more little plots. One with two rows and another with three rows. I guess that these aren't the best pictures in the whole world but they give you an idea of what is going on. Plus these were taken about 2 weeks ago so things have grown up more. I also planted a row of sunflowers along the fence and they are doing great! Krista and I planted them from seed and they have already sprouted. The black plastic (Hi Patty!) is to keep the weeds from growing but it still let's the water in. We have planted every different veggie we could find. They are all doing great except the watermelon and one of the cucumber plants. Yesterday we started buying some flowers. I am also going to try and do some starter plants from seed and see how that works.

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