Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Boys Went To Alpine

While Krista and I were in San Francisco the boys went to the Alpine house with Sean and Don. They rode three wheelers...

and found bugs...
it's a centipede.
The view from the house looks out at the Cleveland National Forest.
Look how big the garage is. It has lots of room to do car stuff.
They found a horny toad.
They let him go.
The boys are riding on the driveway that leads up to the house.

These big rocks are in the back of the house. They are good for climbing.

Going home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This trip was a realy fun trip. Don got lost. Sean was hiding because he got mad when Don was trying to show him how to hold the be be gun. (at least i think that is the way to type it)But at the end it was a great time for Don, Eric, Sean, and me.

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