Let's go back in time a few years okay? The year is 2003 and the place is Rosarito, Mexico. We are staying at the beautiful Las Rocas hotel with two pools and three Jacuzzis overlooking the ocean. This was before you needed a passport to go down there. This was the view from our room.

This is my little Maxwell when he was obsessed with dinosaurs. REALLY obsessed! Dinosaurs were all he talked or thought about. He could name every dinosaur there is and owned a million (still does - he's a
packrat) plus tons of dinosaur books, dinosaur clothes, dinosaur TV specials and more. I took him to the dinosaur
museum for his 5th birthday.

Isn't he cute?

Here he is in his car seat. I can barely remember when he use to have to sit in a car seat. I miss this little boy. He was so sweet. He still is, just bigger.

Oh here they are, brother and sister. Hanging out together in Mexico. If I remember correctly, this was right after Max had left the room and was hiding in the hallway almost giving me a heart attack. You do not want your children to go missing in a foreign country. I think that Krista kinda looks like Chloe in the top photo. And look at how light her hair is compared to now. Max is four in this picture and Krista is seven.

"Look Ma we found dinosaurs!"

Oh, he feel down and scraped his lip. Poor baby. Let me take a picture of it, that will make it feel better.

I love this picture of Eric holding Max's hand. "Hey Krista, wait up..."

We are shopping. Max took this picture.

I don't know why this picture came in sideways but I'm leaving it in because I like it.

Las Rocas! It's been good knowing you. We will return to you three more times before passports and a wave of violence stops us from coming back but perhaps we will meet again in the future.
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