Wow, it has been so long since I blogged that I forgot the way to upload pictures. So you are getting the pictures out of order in this post. Oh well. You understand right?
So summer is over and both of the kids are back in school. Krista started high school and Max started middle school. Here are some pictures of Max as I drove him to school and dropped him off.

Both of the kids really like their new schools. They were excited to get back because they are going to new schools. We did have a good summer though. After Comic-Con I had almost two weeks off so we got a hotel at the beach again and stayed down there for awhile. It was fun and nice to get away. We had some friends stop by and hang out and we built a fire near the water which was nice.

After we got back from the beach I helped the kids clean and organize their rooms so they would be ready to start the school year right. For Max's room we bought him a new little couch that makes into a bed. He needed something for his room the made it more fun to hang out in. He hasn't left his room since we got it. We also bought Krista a new rug for her room which is really cute.

Both of the kids also got new phones. Krista got the nice fancy one and Max just got the basic one. Now Krista texts all day if I let her. Of course she got her phone taken away the very first day of school and didn't get it back until the end of the week. I said 'don't get your phone taken away', but she didn't listen. Now she knows.

Max is still playing basketball. He has three games left and then I am going to make him take a season off. His hair keeps growing and growing. I ask him if he wants to cut it but he says NO. I don't care either way.

This is a picture of the wart that refuses to got away. I tried to use compound w on it but it just got bigger. I guess he'll have to go to the doctor and get it burned off.

I love the freckles and dark brown eyes.

How was your summer?
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