Remember this picture of Eric watering our new garden? The plants were little and freshly planted.

Well here is my garden today. It's growing! Look how good it is doing! I'm so proud of my little garden and it makes me really happy. This is plot one and it has three rows. In the back row it is eggplant (yuck but Krista and Eric like it), yellow crookneck squash, zucchini and tomatoes. The middle row has brussel sprouts, green beans, broccoli, sugar snap peas and cauliflower. The front row is tomatoes, leeks, chili peppers, japanese cucumbers, poblano peppers and slicing cucumbers. There are also red and yellow onions here and there. It's going to be crowded once it's fully grown but this is my first real garden so give me a break.

This is plot 2. It's got tomatoes (Mr. Stripey), butternut squash (not sure if this guy is going to make it), straight neck squash and lemon cucumber in the back row and in the front row there is red and yellow bell peppers, broccoli and/or cauliflower and scalloped squash.

Here is our artichoke plant (yumm!)

Below is plot 3. Most of the watermelon that was originally in this little garden had to be pulled because they died during the extreme heat a few weeks ago. Now in the back row there is yellow watermelon (iffy at best), red watermelon, scalloped squash, swiss chard and mint. In the second row is scalloped squash, green beans, tomatoes, cantaloupe (probably will die), and pumpkin. The front row is all strawberries (some burnt from the heat).

Here is a little strawberry plant that is doing okay.

Hey! Get out of my garden! He is always following me around.

See the cute little yellow crookneck squash growing?

And the tomatoes are growing on one plant and the rest have flowers.

Look at the baby broccoli. Isn't it cute?

The first sugar snap pea has arrived!

And the cucumber plant has lots of little babies on it.

Look how big the bell peppers are getting! And who is the laying there in the background?
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