Yeah! We finally made it to the Wild Animal Park. We went to go and see the butterflies. It was during Spring Break so we had to wait in line for awhile but it was worth it once we finally got in. I will post more butterfly pictures later because I took a few. I think my camera had a smudge on the lens the whole time so the pictures didn't turn out as good as I had hoped. Above the kids take their picture by the Wild Animal Park sign.

Krista decided to wear these glasses with no lenses, not to mention oversized! I don't think Nana liked them too much. Funny thing, other girls there had the same look going on. I guess it's in style so get ready moms for the 'no lens' look. It's fashion!

I got a bunch of cute shots of Chloe. Here are a couple. The kids still pose for pictures but I think the adults are pretty much over all the picture taking.

Max is always ready to goof off and this ear statue make for a great shot of Max.

We saw the baby cheetah in the nursery.

Here is one of my butterfly photos. After the butterflies came the birds.

Then we walked down and saw the lions. Honestly we really didn't see too many wild animals. I guess you have to do the safari for that. The lines were long though and we didn't want to wait in line. So after lunch we just went home to get ready for our weekend in Alpine.

Can you tell where the smudge is? Bummer.

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