Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Max's 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony

Maxwell was promoted from elementary school to middle school. I now no longer have a child in elementary school which makes me sad. Below are some pictures of his ceremony and a video of him accepting his certificate. 

Goodbye Vista La Mesa Elementary parking lot.
Goodbye Vista La Mesa School and random dude.
There he is getting ready to walk in with his class.
Up closer. He carefully planned out the wearing of purple pants on this day.
Walking in.

He are Mrs. Fabio and Mrs. Granquist. Both good teachers. Max has had them both.
Mr. Heath. The principal.
Max with Mrs. Fabio.
Max and Devlin.
Devlin, Sterling and Max. Partners in all things mischievous.

With Brian. Watch video below of him accepting his award.

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