Oh My God! I hate PC's. Hate, hate, hate....... I spent an hour on the last post because I was on some crappy (BRAND NEW) PC. Still it cut off half of my pictures and 3/4 of my first paragraph plus EVERYTHING else! Trust me if you are frustated with your computer, YOU HAVE A PC! When I get home I am going to kiss my Mac. The Mac is my friend. It WANTS to be my friend because it is user friendly! It likes me! The PC does not. The PC is a pissy little brat.
Even today, setting up for the convention, I should have been done setting up all the computers for registration by 2:00 but we were still screwing around with the computers at 7:00 pm because we have bought PCs because they were cheaper and we even had a PC guy there (sometimes two)!! Trust me people, buy a Mac!! Change isn't always bad and sometimes some extra money is worth it. Uggghhhhhh!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
We Have Arrived (too bad w didn't bring our laptop)
Okay, before I begin this post I need to rant. If you don't want to hear my rant just fast forward to the next paragraph. So 
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Off to San Francisco
Hi everyone! Krista and I are off to San Francisco. I am going to try and find a way to blog but I will have a PC (bummer) instead of a Mac so it might be harder for me. Gotta run now 'cause we have a plane to catch.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I Want a Quilt Like This One!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
By Max
In this picture I just got back from practice for basketball. I was tired. My feet hurt.
But now we go on to today. I had to go get a headband for basketball, but at the same time I convinced my mom to get me a runescape membersnip card. Runescape i a world that is all around fighting with swords, bows, axes, and even magic staffs. But half of the time u dont have to be killing things, you can be chopping trees, building a house, (membership needed) you can have a pet, (membership needed) you can smith wepons, and mine gold and coal and things like that. So that is all. Thanks for looking.
You Know Your a Redneck When...
Social Butterfly
I was trying to get a picture of how cute Chloe's hair looked but really these pictures remind me of how much of a little social butterfly Chloe is.
She is talking to her friend Taylor who moved to Washington. Chloe loves everyone and loves to call people on the phone.
Actually she just called a little while ago to tell us about a new video on youtube.
It doesn't matter who you are or what age you are Chloe will meet you and talk to you and the next time you see her she will remember your name and stop to talk.
Box of Books
Here are some super cute pictures of Kassidy sitting in a box of books. These pictures remind me of when Krista was little. When Krista use to sleep in her crib I would put a stack of books on her dresser where she could reach them from her crib so when she would wake up in the morning she would pull the books into the crib and look at the books. She would spend an hour or so just going through the different books and I could sleep in a little longer. She was in the room next to ours. There was a door between the two rooms so you could see her and hear her talking to herself.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Mad Housewife Wine
I bought this on the way to Nathan and Jennifer's house. The label reads:
Somewhere near the cool shadows of the laundry room. Past the litter box and between the plastic yard toys. This is your time. Time to enjoy a moment to yourself. A moment without the madness. The dishes can wait. Dinner be damned.
Cap Night 2009- Part 2
Friday, February 20, 2009
Cap Night 2009
Tonight is Cap Night. Don't expect any pictures because this year I just dropped them off. I would love to post some pictures but I would love it even more if I didn't have to go at all. So instead you get this great logo. Besides Max has to leave cap night early for basketball practice.
Does it seem like my life is just the same thing over and over (friends/families house for dinner, kids sports games and pet pictures)? Ha! Well that's going to change soon. Soon you will have San Francisco pictures and Alpine pictures. So hang in there with me okay?

More Brother and Sister Pictures
So Krista is going to get her hair cut when she goes to San Francisco because her friends Grandma has cut hair for years. In fact I guess both of my kids have a bunch of hair hanging in their eyes. But I have sworn to let them have their hair the way they want it. They are young and now is the time to 'live free' and 'do what you want'. Someday they might have to have a 'grown up' haircut but not now (sorry mom).
Oh yeah! I have awesome art! The drawings below are all originals and I love them! The first two Simpsons drawings are by Matt Groening and the other Lisa is by Bill Morrison who does the comic book. I got these during one of our shows.
The second picture is of Hermione Granger and Harry Potter. Charcoal and colored pencil on hande made paper. I bought these at the Comic-Con art auction. They are done by one of the guys who does Topps trading cards.
Then the third picture is two original pages from the Powerpuff Girls comic book.
I do realize that this kind of art may not be everyones cup of tea but I like them. You know it's not some reproduction of something I don't care about. Although truthfully I'm not that much into the Simpsons or the Powerpuff Girls anymore but everyone knows I do, and will always, love Harry Potter (and Hermione, Ron, Luna, Sirius, Neville, Dumbledore, you get the picture - or in this case drawing)
Over the River & Through the Woods to the Elliott's House We Go (just kidding it's only just down the street)
Tonight we went over to Dawn Dee and Don's house (and Sean's house too) for dinner and wine and wii (wheeee)! It was a nice Thursday night. I bullied Dawn Dee into getting a blog (sorry Dawn Dee). I feel like a git. She is too nice to tell me no though.
And guess what? I got my first comment from someone that I don't know. I was so excited I called Eric at work to tell him. And the comment came from Brazil (I think) which is even more exciting. Yipee!
Oh yeah just ignore the beer in the following picture with Krista. That wasn't really there.
Look at Sean. He is sweating from playing wii so hard. Just kidding... he just took a shower is all.
This is Dawn Dee taking a picture of me while I take a picture of her. Great minds think alike right?
Don finally got home from work. Just in time for dinner too. Don's hair is getting long huh? Don and Eric are going to go to Alpine with the boys when Krista and I are in San Francisco. Dawn Dee will be in Palm Springs. Life in California is goooood. Don't you wish you were here???
Evil Poles
Hi, this is Max. I ran into a pole today. I could not feel my leg. I was playing 4 square and i got out a girls friend. Then the girl threw a cherry bomb and i almost had it then... SLAM! I ran into the pole and slammed my knee into the pole and my chest hit also. I was on the floor for 10 minutes or less. Then the nurse for the school got there. She got an ice pack. Right know it has got better but still hurts. At school i fell 5 to 7 times. I also skraped my chin. My chin still stings but I am ok.
Getting Big!
OMG! They are getting so big! Who told them that they were allowed to grow up? Not me! What happened to my little babies in car seats? Anyway as long as they can just stay this age forever then I guess I'm okay with it. Do you think they would do that for me? Just stay this age forever? I will clean their rooms for them if they agree.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Krista's Room 2009
When Krista was smaller I painted her whole room and Eric built her a bed that had storage underneath and he built her a desk that I mod podged with maps from the Tomas Bros. guide. It was super cute! It was a lot of work but we love her so much it was worth it. Well the other day she mentioned that she would like to take the bed out and have a regular bed and we agreed that it is time for a change since she is getting older so and I understand that she wants to change it around.
It just so happened that Colleen (from work) had some furniture to get rid of so we jumped at the chance to use it for Krista's room. We took out the bed and the desk and we put the new furniture in. Here are some pictures of our progress.
Eric is patching the walls from where the furniture came out. I think that picture of Eric is really cute.
I am putting up this picture of her door because she wants to paint over it and put a star on it with her name under it. Because she wants to be a star someday so that door has to go. I painted that door for her but I can paint a new door too. Somewhere we must have pictures of the room before we took the old stuff out and when I find them I will post them.
I love the picture with the blue wall because the little clay cup on the shelves (which I made by mod podging them with flowered napkins) is a cup that Maxwell made for her. On the bottom it says 'get well soon, love Max'. It was for one of her surgeries. The painting next to it is an original painting that I bought at one of our shows in San Francisco. I love that painting. Then next to that are two softball trophies.
The next picture has a mirror in it that I mosaiced. It use to have a little mosaiced desk under it with a little hand painted pink stool so she could look at herself in the mirror (which she loves to do!!).
The next picture is her name painted from Sea World that her Nana got her. Nana also got one for Max that hangs in his room and Chloe has one too.
In the next picture if you look closely you can see that the wall is checked. I used the same color of pink but one group of checkers is pink glossy and the other group is pink flat. I love it. Plus you see that striped wall? It took me forever! but I love it. (see top picture too) We have to fix where Eric patched it.
So what do you think of Krista's room? (Besides that fact that it's still (will always be)messy................)??
Tonsils likes Krista's room. Doesn't he look good in purple?
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